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Social and Community Connections—The Academy San Francisco

he pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health. For too long, we have been asked to practice social distancing and isolate ourselves. Staying at home and confining ourselves within our four walls rattled our cages and reminded us how important human connection is.

The Academy San Francisco is an LGBTQ+ social club that opens doors for community members searching for authentic human connections. The Academy creates a happy place where everyone feels included, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, or any other way that we exist as humans. It is a true landmark for inclusion and diversity in the Bay Area.

showroom promo shot Nate Bourg

Human Connection

As Nate says, “The Academy, to me, is a place to belong and feel part of a close-knit community. It represents something that we felt was missing in San Francisco, particularly [for] the LGBTQ+ community.” The Academy’s mission is to promote genuine social interaction, contributing to our society by uniting diverse people through shared experiences. 

In a traditional nightclub, the lights are low, the music is blasting, and everyone’s dancing.  Instead, the Academy is a calmer space where people can talk and interact with each other. It allows its members to meet people from various communities and cultures in a relaxed environment. 

The Academy values inclusion and diversity, both of which are embedded in its mission along with hospitality and friendliness. When choosing their members, they actively seek out people from a broad range of backgrounds so they can bring their experiences to this vibrant social environment. 

Home Away From Home

Since 2017, 2166 Market Street has been a sophisticated three-story club with beautiful design-forward interiors. Visitors feel the artistry as they enter the premises. The originality and authenticity of its history enriches its members’ experience.  

Capitalizing on the history of the Castro building— once a clock shop, a leather bar, a sex club, and a restaurant, among other things—The Academy branded the premises as a happy place to be, a home away from home. And it’s a place where a lot of their members have made life-long friends.

fire pit closeup Nate Bourg

Adacemy Delight

With the birth of their new daytime program, Academy Daylight, more memories and friendships will be created. The social club stands by its mission to deliver inclusion and diversity day and night. The daytime program is currently only a soft launch for now. 

“It is definitely going to be exciting and cool to see how people use the space during the day. They might come in for a coffee or glass of wine, do a little bit of laptop work, or meet a friend to catch up. It’s a nice, quiet, comfortable space to get away from home, the office; or home office, as the case may be these days,” said Nate.

TrooRa Magazine | November 2021
Written by Nizie Lokman, FCIM
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