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Date: March 2023

Black Women who Transformed the Beauty Industry The beauty industry promises to enhance people’s appearances and lives with magical products and formulations. However, prejudice has always affected Black women, from not having options for skin tone or using chemicals that damage their skin to

Full of creativity, Sophia Demirtas has turned her passion for fashion into a luxury clothing brand. One of the best parts of starting a new hobby is the ability to turn something you love into a profitable business. That is the case for Fanm Mon—a Turkish fashion label that launched in 2013. Behi

In conversation with Emeka Okereke, we find out how borders can be connected through the power of art. Borders are an interesting concept. An invisible line that divides our land. A line that separates us. It defines us, limits us, shapes our cultures, and sets a false notion of self. Emeka Okereke

An innovative project that is redefining how we look at urban spaces and reinforcing the transformative power of art. Rebuild Foundation was founded in 2009 by artist and social innovator Theaster Gates. Founded with the intent to empower communities and support emerging artists, the Rebuild Foundat

Chocolatier Phillip Ashley Rix It was one of those things that probably was so common that it did not stick out at the time, until he opened Phillip Ashley Chocolates. Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, Chef Phillip Ashley Rix was not only influenced by the city’s rich culture and diverse culin

How Chef Debra VanTrece transcends multiple boundaries “I was a bit of an introvert—which comes as a complete surprise to those who know me now,” says Chef Debra VanTrece. That fact may be rather unexpected for those who have seen her lively appearances on various TV programs. It was, however,

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