In the rolling hills outside Florence, the bags found their three-dimensional form. With nuances and unique specs differing greatly from the typical handbag shape, it took a few trials before a reliable manufacturing partner was found.
Today, Senreve has twelve bag models. The Maestra is perhaps the most businesslike, while the Crossbody and two styles of Belt Bag were clearly made with the weekend in mind. All the bags and accessories are made in Italy using sturdy textured leather in a few variations.;
Seen in person, the bags have a substantial feel without being uncomfortably heavy, and the leather treatment lends itself to durability. The bags are also water and scratch resistant, a feature many women love.
Senreve products are the solution for consumers who juggle important things like big careers and demanding families, but don’t want to look bland in the process. Senreve’s bags add to a look without overpowering it—much in contrast to the logo mania that is so trendy today. Because the brand is still relatively small, it engages directly with customers. In fact, that’s how the Midi and Mini Maestra models were born—they were requested by petite women for whom a 12” x 15” bag is just too large. Senreve also releases new models and new colors regularly, responding to popular demand and user feedback more than the conventional seasonality of the fashion industry.