What makes The Sioux Chef truly different, is the hands-on experience in the cultivation of all these ingredients. With hunting and gathering, you must see and know the sources of your food. I firmly believe that when you get your hands or feet into the dirt of the earth, you make a connection with Gaya, or mother earth. Now, taking that experience and using it to gather nourishment must be one of the greatest of intimate moments a person can have.
The Sioux Chef also educates various communities. Sherman can often be heard on radio shows; he writes articles for different outlets; and he even does dinners in Manhattan and Milan for the James Beard House. His mind is like an encyclopedia of facts that are well researched and thoughtfully expressed. Listening to Sherman talk is very meditative as he is extremely articulate. His method of speaking is done in a way that makes you think he is speaking directly to you. He is incredibly engaging, and, I can only imagine, even more so in person.