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Tag: Curious

Aliquam lectus enim, elementum et neque vel, sagittis ultrices purus. Nam diam arcu, ullamcorper euismod tortor vel, bibendum luctus lectus. Duis velit lectus, congue et urna et, faucibus facilisis lorem. Proin suscipit velit non dui tristique pharetra.

M y father was never really a fan of ‘pop’ music, but could often be heard in our ‘posh’ sitting room (the one with the piano) listening to Beethoven or Brahms, or even classical guitar performances by Julian Bream, or John Williams, while the rest of the family were in the TV sitting room watching […]

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and I can barely contain my excitement about how much food I’m going to enjoy this year. I love discovering new recipes that my friends and family make, but mostly I just love having everyone I love together in the same space. Love and food are one in the same, and every third Thursday of November I get to have both in copious amounts. It’s basically my idea of heaven.

W hen you think about luxurious island getaways, Sri Lanka may not be the place you are imagining. However, there are very good reasons why this jewel-shaped island in the Indian Ocean has become the dream destination for many. The tiny country, just south of India, has become Asia’s hottest new destination especially among young […]

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